Play Android: Netrunner in your browser
[PRIVATE] DrRunzzz's game
Help Topics
How do I do I perform actions in a game?
In general, if you want to perform an action connected to a card, try clicking that card. Either something will happen or a menu should appear.
Cards can be moved by clicking them and dragging. Clicking and dragging excessive cards from one's hand to discard pile is normally done after one's turn ends and they are over their hand size limit.
A player's clicks, credits, tags etc. can be manipulated by hand by using plus/minus signs next to their numbers in the panel on the left.
How do I undo an action?
There are two undo functions - undo to turn start, and undo the last click. To undo the start of the current turn both players must use the /undo-turn command. To undo to the start of the click the active player must use the /undo-click command.
There are some non-click based interactions such as using clone-chip and rezzing ICE or assets which are not supported via the undo-click function and players will need to handle manually. Trashed/played cards can be dragged back to hand and reinstalled if needed. If there are lingering/hard to dismiss prompts, try using /close-prompt
command as a last resort.
How do I break ICE and fire ICE subroutines?
Breaking ICE during a run and subroutines firing is currently not automated. Runner signals using their icebreakers by clicking them and using their abilities. When some subroutines are left unbroken and fire, Corp clicks the piece of ICE with subroutines firing and uses them.
It's considered common courtesy to wait as Corp for the runner to say "fire" before firing the subroutines, since Runner may have ways of breaking/avoiding the effects that are not immediately obvious and the effects of a fired subroutine may be hard to undo.
How do I close a card's menu?
Click that card again. If it isn't a menu, but a bugged prompt that shouldn't be there, try using /close-prompt
How do I use commands during a game?
/adv-counter n
- set advancement counters on a card to n (player's own cards only). Deprecated in favor of/counter ad n
/bp n
- Set your bad publicity to n/card-info
- display debug info about a card (player's own cards only)/clear-win
- requests game to clear the current win state. Requires both players to request it/click n
- Set your clicks to n/close-prompt
- close an active prompt and show the next waiting prompt, or the core click actions/counter n
- set counters on a card to n (player's own cards only). Attempts to infer the type of counter to place. If the inference fails, you must use the next command to specify the counter type./counter type n
- set the specified counter type on a card to n (player's own cards only). Type must beagenda
, orvirus
. Can be abbreviated asag
, orv
respectively./credit n
- Set your credits to n/deck #n
- Put card number n from your hand on top of your deck/discard #n
- Discard card number n from your hand/discard-random
- Discard a random card from your hand/draw n
- Draw n cards/end-run
- End the run (Corp only)/facedown
- Install a card facedown (Runner only)/handsize n
- Set your handsize to n/install-ice
- Install a piece of ICE at any position in a server (Corp only)/jack-out
- Jack out (Runner only)/link n
- Set your link to n/memory n
- Set your memory to n/move-bottom
- Pick a card in your hand to put on the bottom of your deck/move-deck
- Pick a card from your play-area to put on top of your deck/move-hand
- Pick a card from your play-area to put into your hand/peek n
- See n top cards of your deck/psi
- Start a Psi game (Corp only)/rez
- Select a card to rez, ignoring all costs (Corp only)/rez-all
- Rez all cards, ignoring all costs and flip cards in archives faceup (Corp only). For revealing your servers at the end of a game./rfg
- Select a card to remove from the game/roll n
- Roll an n-sided die/summon n
- Add card "n" to your hand (from outside the game)/swap-ice
- Swap the position of two installed ICE (Corp only)/swap-installed
- Swap the position of two installed non-ICE (Corp only)/tag n
- Set your tags to n/take-brain n
- Take n brain damage (Runner only)/take-meat n
- Take n meat damage (Runner only)/take-net n
- Take n net damage (Runner only)/trace n
- Start a trace with base strength n (Corp only)/undo-click
- Resets the game back to start of the click. One click only retained. Only allowed for active player/undo-turn
- Resets the game back to end of the last turn. Requires both players to request it
Is there more documentation on how to use
Read the Guide on the GitHub wiki.
Where can I find the game's rules explanation?
The first step is reading the official rulebook. If you prefer video form, FFG has prepared a video tutorial, too.
Once familiar with the basics, the finer points of rules/card interactions can be found in the official FAQ on the FFG page. There is also Project ANCUR, which is a collection of rulings (also unofficial) regarding various cards and game situations.
Can I play my first game on even though I'm a total beginner and never played in meatspace?
Sure! Many players will be happy to play/teach a beginner if they know what they're getting into beforehand. So just create a new game with name such as "beginner here" or "core set only please", someone happy to play with a beginner should join after a while.
Where can I find some good starting decks?
NetrunnerDB is a good resource for finding decks of all kinds. For finding decks consisting of core set only try setting some filters in the decklist search.
Once you find a deck you like, export it in's format (or plain text format if the site doesn't offer the former), copy and paste it into the deckbuilder.
Where can I find other Netrunner players to talk to?
- Stimhack forums
- /r/netrunner subreddit
- multiple Facebook groups, such as Netrunner Geeks
What is the Reboot format?
It consists of every card reworked so far in the Reboot spreadsheet. There is no MWL.
What is the Everything format?
All cards ever printed (with the cards in the Reboot format having the number changes). There is no MWL.
How do I change my avatar?
Go to and create an account with the same email as the one used to register on Please note that it can sometimes take up to a few hours for the new avatar to be visible on the site.
What is the best supported browser?
Google Chrome or Firefox on a desktop or laptop is recommended. Safari should work fine too.
There is limited support for tablet browsers. If you have too many cards to fit on the screen you might not able to see all of them.
Using a phone is not recommended. The screen will most likely be too small to fit the gameboard.
How to use in fullscreen mode on a tablet?
Add to your homescreen as described here. If you tap on the homescreen icon, you will be in fullscreen.
How do I send a private message / add someone to friendlist?
The community management issues such as private messages or friendlist are currently not implemented. They are planned, but no specific date is set, as all of our code is written by volunteers.
What is the point of the "Competitive" room in lobby? How does it differ from "Casual"?
- a decent knowledge of the game's rules
- familiarity with the site's interface
- a tournament legal deck
- enough time reserved for a full game and no distractions
Different rooms in lobby are meant to help people with similar expectations about the game find each other. In general, competitive room is for games with players intending to play competitively. This may mean something different to each of them... However, since it's a non-default room, going there and creating or joining a game usually isn't accidental and is a declaration of some kind of competitive intent.
Games with players not able or willing to follow above recommendations are probably better suited to the Casual room. Some examples would be: learning the game, learning the site's interface, testing a completely new and crazy deck idea, testing future spoilers, playing on a touchscreen, playing at work and likely to have to quit on short notice, etc. All of these circumstances may cause needless frustration of players expecting to play a game in a competitive setting.
What are the options for tracking Game and Deck Statistics, and what do they mean?
- Always - statistics are kept and displayed for all games you play
- Competitive lobby only - statistics are kept and displayed only for competitive games
- None - statistics are neither logged or displayed
- Games Started - games you have entered.
- Games Completed - games that had a winner, or games that did not complete but opponent dropped first.
- Games Incomplete - games with no winner where you dropped first, and did not concede.
- Games Won - games won. The percentage is compared to those games lost.
- Games Lost - games lost. The percentage is compared to those games won.
Your game completion rate is visible in the player lobby so people can determine if they should play against you. Don't quit during games - please concede if you have to leave.
Cards and Specific Interactions
How do I install Eden/Hades/Utopia Shard during a run?
At the last run step on the relevant server, instead of pressing "Successful Run" button, click the shard card you want to install in hand. You should end the run with the shard installed at no cost.
How do I use Nasir's ability?
Nasir's ability is currently triggered manually - when encountering a piece of ICE, click Nasir's identity card to trigger the ability.
How do I install Adam's directives?
Adam's directives are installed automatically at the game start. The directives are pulled directly from the game-server so do not need to be a part of your deck. The previous workaround of explicitly adding the 3 directives to the deck is no longer necessary.
What is MWL and "Tournament legal"? Why is my deck marked as "Casual play only"?
New Angeles Police Department Most Wanted List, also known as NAPD MWL or just MWL, is a list of cards with additional deck building restrictions for tournament play. There are two categories of MWL cards: "restricted" and "removed". You may only include up to one card (up to its maximum number of copies) from the restricted category. You may not include cards from the removed category. For more information about the MWL read Tournament Rules from the official FFG page.
Decks that are valid and fit within tournament restrictions are marked Tournament legal. Decks that fit within the printed influence limit, but not within the tournament restrictions, are marked Casual play only. Decks that do not fit basic deckbuilding rules are marked Invalid.
Putting cards in your deck that are not yet available for sale (i.e. future spoilers) or ones that are out of competitive rotation will also result in your deck being marked as Casual play only. Such cards should be easy to identify - they are highlighted in the deckbuilder.
How do I change my decks to use alternative art versions of cards (or promotional ones)?
Alternative art cards are enabled for the donators and developers of the site. If you belong to one of the aforementioned groups and you feel like you should have them enabled, but you don't, contact us.
The site is behaving weird.
The server code may have been freshly updated and you don't have the latest Javascript code. First step in every troubleshooting should be a forced refresh of your browser by doing a force refresh (Ctrl + F5
on Windows). Also read the announcements on the main page, something about server problems may be written there.
The website doesn't work well on my touchscreen device.
Touchscreen devices are currently not supported. See answer to this question for best browsers to use with
There are too many servers to fit on my screen.
Decrease the zoom level of your browser and you should be able to see everything. If you are using Chrome, you can do it by pressing CTRL and - (minus). If you are using Firefox, you may need to install Zoom Page addon before the zoom works correctly.
Whenever I connect to the site, I see there are 0 games in the lobby.
This is most likely a websocket issue. Check if your network filters let through traffic from Whitelisting * should solve the problem.
Getting Involved
How can I report a bug?
If it's a bug relating to the original, see their help page. If the bug relates to cards not working as the reboot spreadsheet says, ping presheaf on Stimslack. - the card in question may be unimplemented yet.
How can I suggest a feature?
Same as bugs - feature requests should go on the GitHub issue tracker. Again, it's best to make a quick search first to avoid duplicating existing issues.
How can I make a donation?
Donation info can be found on the About page.
Why is this site so awesome?
Forged Activation Orders.